/* Infinitie Developers */ API URL -->> https://erestro.me/partner/app/v1/api/{METHOD_NAME} - (all APIs in one file only) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defined API Methods:- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. login 2 get_orders 3. update_order_status 4. get_categories 5. get_products 6. get_transactions 7. get_statistics 8. forgot_password 9. delete_order 10. verify_user 11. get_settings 12. update_fcm 13. get_cities 14. get_taxes 15. send_withdrawal_request 16. get_withdrawal_request 17. add_attributes 18. edit_attributes 19. get_attributes 20. get_attribute_values 21. add_products 22. get_media 23. get_partner_details 24. update_partner 25. delete_product 26. update_products 27. get_riders 28. reset_password 29. get_tags 30. add_tags 31. delete_tag 32. upload_media 33. get_product_add_ons 34. update_add_ons 35. delete_add_on 36. get_product_tags 37. update_product_status 38. update_attribute_status ------------------------------------------ What parameters to be Passed? See here >> ------------------------------------------ Use POST method to pass the parameters 1.login mobile: 9988776655 password: 12345678 fcm_id: FCM_ID //{ optional } 2. get_orders partner_id:174 id:101 { optional } user_id:101 { optional } start_date : 2020-09-07 or 2020/09/07 { optional } end_date : 2021-03-15 or 2021/03/15 { optional } search:keyword // optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_added // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional active_status: pending {pending,confirmed,preparing,out_for_delivery,delivered,cancelled} // optional 3. update_order_status partner_id:12 order_id: 137 deliver_by:rider_id {optional}{required when its out for delivery and delivered status} status: confirmed {pending|confirmed|preparing|out_for_delivery|delivered|cancelled} reason: text //{required when order status is cancelled} owner_note: message // {pass this param if order is self pickup} self_pickup_time:date & time //{pass this param if order is self pickup}{2022-06-25 13:25:00} 4. get_categories 5. get_products partner_id:175 id:101 // optional category_id:29 // optional user_id:15 // optional search:keyword // optional // search by product name and highlights and tags tags:multiword tag1, tag2, another tag // optional {search by restro and product tags} highlights:multiword tag1, tag2, another tag // optional attribute_value_ids : 34,23,12 // { Use only for filteration } optional limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort:p.id / p.date_added / pv.price { default - p.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional top_rated_product: 1 // { default - 0 } optional discount: 5 // optional min_price:10000 // optional max_price:50000 // optional product_ids: 19,20 // optional product_variant_ids: 44,45,40 // optional vegetarian:1|2 //{optional -> 1 - veg | 2 - non-veg} filter_by:p.id|sd.user_id // {p.id = product list | sd.user_id = partner list} { default - sd.user_id } optional flag:low/sold // optional show_only_active_products:false { default - false } optional 8. get_transactions user_id:73 id: 1001 // { optional} type : credit / debit - for wallet // { optional } search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id / date_created // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 9. get_statistics partner_id:174 10. forgot_password mobile_no:7894561235 new: pass@123 12. delete_order order_id:1 13. verify_user mobile: 9874565478 email: test@gmail.com // { optional } 14. get_settings user_id: 15 { optional } 15. update_fcm user_id:12 fcm_id: FCM_ID 16. get_cities sort: // { c.name / c.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional 17. get_taxes 18. send_withdrawal_request user_id:174 payment_address: 12343535 amount: 56 19. get_withdrawal_request user_id:15 limit:10 {optional} offset:10 {optional} 20. add_attributes name:color attribute_values:[{"value":"value1"},{"value":"value2"},{"value":"value3"}] //{JSON ARRAY- index(value) must be same} 21. edit_attributes edit_attribute_id:1 attribute_value_ids:1,2,3,0 // {provide zero if any new value added in edited attribute} name:color value_name:red,blue,green,new_value // {provide new attribute value if new added in edited attribute} 22. get_attributes sort: name // { name / id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} limit:10 {optional} offset:10 {optional} 23. get_attribute_values attribute_id:1 // {optional} sort:a.name // { a.name / a.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} limit:10 {optional} offset:10 {optional} 24. add_products pro_input_name: product name partner_id:1255 product_category_id:99 short_description: description product_add_ons: [{"title":"add_on1","description":"descritpion","price":"40","calories":"123","status":1},{"title":"add_on2","description":"description2","price":"43","calories":"1234","status":1}] tags:1,2,3 //{pass Tag Ids comma saprated} pro_input_tax:tax_id {optional -> pass zero if no tax} is_prices_inclusive_tax:0 //{1: inclusive | 0: exclusive} cod_allowed:1 //{ 1:allowed | 0:not-allowed }{default:1} is_cancelable:1 //{optional}{1:cancelable | 0:not-cancelable}{default:0} cancelable_till:pending //{pending,confirmed,preparing,out_for_delivery}{required if "is_cancelable" is 1} pro_input_image:file indicator:1 //{ 0 - none | 1 - veg | 2 - non-veg } highlights:new,fresh //{optional} calories:123 //{optional} total_allowed_quantity:100 //{optional} minimum_order_quantity:12 quantity_step_size:1 attribute_values:1,2,3,4,5 //{comma saprated attributes values ids if set} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- till above same params -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- common param for simple and variable product -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- product_type:simple_product | variable_product variant_stock_level_type:product_level if(product_type == variable_product): variants_ids:3 5,4 5,1 2 variant_price:100,200 variant_special_price:90,190 variant_images:files //{optional} total_stock_variant_type:100 //{if (variant_stock_level_type == product_level)} variant_status:1 //{if (variant_stock_level_type == product_level)} if(product_type == simple_product): simple_product_stock_status:null|0|1 {1=in stock | 0=out stock} simple_price:100 simple_special_price:90 product_total_stock:100 {optional} variant_stock_status: 0 {optional}//{0 =>'Simple_Product_Stock_Active' 1 => "Product_Level" } variant_status:1 25. get_media partner_id:1255 // {optional} limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: // { id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional search:value // {optional} type:image // {documents,spreadsheet,archive,video,audio,image} 26. get_partner_details id:28 27. update_partner(this will use for register and update profile) id:34 {partner_id}(pass when update profile) restro details: partner_name:asd type:1 {1:veg | 2:non-Veg | 3:Both} profile:file // {pass if want to change} status:1 {1:active | 0: deactive} (when register -> pass status:2 ( Not-Approved)) city_id:1 cooking_time:20 {in minutes} working_time:[{"day":"Sunday","opening_time":"11:02:00","closing_time":"22:04:00","is_open":1},{"day":"Tuesday","opening_time":"19:20","closing_time":"18:21","is_open":1}] address: restro address address_proof:file // {pass if want to change} latitude:123464 longitude:234535 gallary:multiple images from media {optional} description:asd {optional} restro_tags:1,2,3 {optional} {tag_ids comma saprated} restro owner details name:asd mobile:123456789 email:asd@gmail.com password:password // {pass if restro register} old:12345 //{if want to change password} new:345234 //{if want to change password} national_identity_card:file // {pass if want to change} tax_name:GST tax_number:GSTIN4565 account_number:sdfv {optional} account_name:asd {optional} bank_code:ASD {optional} bank_name:sdf {optional} pan_number:ad {optional} delivery_orders:1|0 restro_profile:1|0 28. delete_product product_id:28 29. update_products edit_product_id:74 edit_variant_id:104,105 variants_ids: new created with new attributes added pro_input_name: product name partner_id:1255 product_category_id:99 short_description: description product_add_ons: [{"title":"add_on1","description":"descritpion","price":"40","calories":"123","status":1},{"title":"add_on2","description":"description2","price":"43","calories":"1234","status":1}] tags:1,2,3 //{pass Tag Ids comma saprated} pro_input_tax:tax_id {optional -> pass zero if no tax} is_prices_inclusive_tax:0 //{1: inclusive | 0: exclusive} cod_allowed:1 //{ 1:allowed | 0:not-allowed }{default:1} is_cancelable:1 //{optional}{1:cancelable | 0:not-cancelable}{default:0} cancelable_till:pending //{pending,confirmed,preparing,out_for_delivery}{required if "is_cancelable" is 1} pro_input_image:file indicator:1 //{ 0 - none | 1 - veg | 2 - non-veg } highlights:new,fresh //{optional} calories:123 //{optional} total_allowed_quantity:100 //{optional} minimum_order_quantity:12 quantity_step_size:1 attribute_values:1,2,3,4,5 //{comma saprated attributes values ids if set} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- till above same params -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- common param for simple and variable product -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- product_type:simple_product | variable_product variant_stock_level_type:product_level if(product_type == variable_product): variants_ids:3 5,4 5,1 2 variant_price:100,200 variant_special_price:90,190 variant_images:files //{optional} total_stock_variant_type:100 //{if (variant_stock_level_type == product_level)} variant_status:1 //{if (variant_stock_level_type == product_level)} if(product_type == simple_product): simple_product_stock_status:null|0|1 {1=in stock | 0=out stock} simple_price:100 simple_special_price:90 product_total_stock:100 {optional} variant_stock_status: 0 {optional}//{0 =>'Simple_Product_Stock_Active' 1 => "Product_Level" } variant_status:1 30. get_riders partner_id:1255 id: 1001 // { optional} search : Search keyword // { optional } limit:25 // { default - 25 } optional offset:0 // { default - 0 } optional sort: id/username/email/mobile/area_name/city_name/date_created // { default - id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - DESC } optional 31. reset_password mobile_no:7894561235 new: pass@123 32. get_tags partner_id:1 // {optional} sort:a.name // { a.name / a.id } optional order:DESC/ASC // { default - ASC } optional search:value // {optional} limit:10 {optional} offset:10 {optional} 33. add_tags (add/update) partner_id:1 title:tag1 tag_id:tag_id {optional} {pass when update tag} 34. delete_tag partner_id:1 tag_id:1 35. upload_media partner_id:1 documents[]:FILES 36. get_product_add_ons product_id:10 37. update_add_ons add_on_id: 36 //{optional} {pass when need to update} title: add_on1 product_id: 29 description: descritpion price: 40.00 calories: 123.00 status:1 | 0 //{1:active | 0:deactivate} 38. delete_add_on add_on_id: 1 39. get_product_tags product_id:10 40. update_product_status product_id:10 status:1 {1: active | 0: de-active} 41. update_attribute_status type: attributes | attribute_values {pass this exact string in type} type_id: 1 status: 1 {1: active | 0: de-active}